Hi everyone!
You probably know my last day of work was on Tuesday. It was a very emotional day!!!!! (Yes, I did have a margarita! Yes, I did cry in the rain!)
One of the ways I processed the news of my layoff was to write thank you notes to some of my favorite coworkers. It was a really lovely exercise for a number of reasons, but mainly because it reminded me of how much profound gratitude I have, even in the midst of an extremely un-enviable situation.
And I want to extend a thank you to every one of you reading this right now too! Y’all are showing UP, and that is SO VERY KIND. Over 1,800 people have signed up for this newsletter! Extra special bonus thanks to everyone who has opted for a paid subscription. Your support and generosity is the heartwarmingest thing.
A note about subscriptions
You can take the girl out of public media, but you can’t take the public media out of the girl. And because of that, I want all the stuff I post on GRETAGRAM to be available to anyone who wants to read it whether or not they can afford a paid subscription.
That said, I would like to offer some treats to those of you who have opted to support this newsletter with your dollars. Postcards for everyone! (If you want one!)
I’m also planning on starting a monthy book giveaway or two for randomly selected benefactors starting in June. And I am extremely open to other ideas!
Want me to record your outgoing voicemail message? (Is that even still a thing you can do on a smartphone?)
I could email you a voice memo with a book rec?
Or something! Send over any ideas you may have.
Lastly, I know you are wondering what’s next with Nerdette.
And the answer is, I don’t know! My last day at the station was only a couple of days ago, and I would really love to be able to take a minute to breathe and process and mourn and brainstorm and dream. I promise, y’all will be the first to know when I’ve figured it out!
When I started working at a public radio station in 2003, podcasts were very much not a thing. I had no idea what I would do or how I’d make it happen. I just knew I loved sound boards and NPR. I could never have anticipated what would be next for me, and that mystery has turned out to be such a gift. I’m trying to embrace that now, too -- just because I can’t possibly imagine the next thing doesn’t mean it won’t be exactly what I’m supposed to be doing!
So thanks for going on this journey with me. Y’all are the most excellent company. (I cried typing that last sentence.)
Thanks so much!!!!!
P.S. I am serious about the postcard thing!!!! If you want one, send me an email with your address. (Don’t post it in the comments!)
Sending you all the good funemployment vibes! I’ve been here myself for about 6 months and it’s weird and scary and awesome, sometimes all at once. Take time to unwind. Don’t “should” yourself. Believe in abundance! Seek delights big and small!
Take advantage of the break! Visit family and friends and don't worry about the next thing until you've relaxed a bit. As someone who does project work through art shows, it takes some time after finishing the show to come up with the next thing, as well as time to feel grounded, energized, and excited about it. Give yourself a break. And if you need a permission slip. This is is.
"Dear Universe. Greta has done such a great job recently and she's gonna take a break for a bit so she can come back ready to make the next great thing. Please send her lots of love, healing energy, and encouragement."