Hello!!! I can’t believe it, but August is LITERALLY THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW, and I want to know what you think we should read together! I’ve been asking GRETAGRAM readers on insta and facebook, and here are the four titles I’ve narrowed it down to. I wrote some very short keywordy blurbs for each one, but I encourage you to click on the links and check out each one before voting. (I think a lot of you have already read The God of the Woods and loved it, which could be a great reason to choose it, OR could be a good reason to branch out! Just saying!)
Here are our options:
I Was a Teenage Slasher, Stephen Graham Jones: Texas! The ‘90s! Horror!!!!!!
The God of the Woods, Liz Moore: Summer camp! Missing children! Bad men!
The Bang-Bang Sisters, Rio Youers: Members of a band are also vigilantes!!!!!
The Coin, Yazmin Zaher: Palestinian woman teaching middle school in New York! Birkin bag scheme!!! AMAZING COVER!!!!!
The poll will be open for the next 24 hours, so vote soon! I’ll announce the title in this Friday’s newsletter. WHICH WILL SOMEHOW BE AUGUST SECOND ALREADY.
Talk soon!
P.S. Do you like this email?! Spread the delight and forward it to a friend! (Or spam an enemy, lol!)
So hard to choose! They're ALL going on my to-read shelf.
Will definitely add the other three to my TBR but as I've already read The God in the Woods and have THOUGHTS I definitely need a book club to process them with!