Your writing is like your speaking, which of course reminds me how much I miss your show! I'm so glad you are doing these newsletters, and this was an excellently nerdy one.

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Yes!!! I love a good sleep tea and white noise. I don’t do the sleep masks because I always end up pulling off at some point in the night BUT I live for blackout curtains! I used to work night shift for about 5 years and the blackout curtains were key for day sleeping. And even though I’ve been off night shift for over a decade now, I still use them and I love them even more at night. When I turn the lights out I don’t even want to see my hand in front of my face. That’s how much I love a dark room for sleep.

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I started with the one from Lunya but it hurt too much when I slept on my side. Now I use the one from Manta. Everybody in my family now has one and we have the hot and cold eye cups too.

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Love having you drop in to my life Greta but sure do miss your voice and chats every week. Something else to add to sleep list: nothing much happens podcast. She’ll lure to sleep every time!

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My partner and I also love sleep so much! It is an underrated sport :) This is perfect timing for me, I have to fly overnight to Germany for work next month and I was researching travel pillows obsessively yesterday. Thanks for the mask recommendation, I don't suppose anyone has a travel pillow they want to recommend? I'm hoping to get at least a little sleep on the plane but I'm not optimistic...

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I just today ordered this, was recommended on the Add to Cart podcast. My neck is too long for travel pillows and am hoping this will work for me, as insane as it will probably look and feel: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CL6CXMGZ?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_fed_asin_title&th=1

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